This past week, I had my Soul Stories, SoulCollage® writing group. As usual it was filled with unexpected ephiphanies and ahahas..for the four women who participated. Here follows is a taste of what we did in the group. We began by each pulling 3-4 cards out of our deck that seemed to express where we were at in the moment or what we wanted to bring into the coming year. Next we did free writing for each card and shared. The images always speak so much more strongly than words.
I shared a series of questions about what we wanted to bring into our lives for the new year, or release or focus on. The questions I focused on were: What is it I committed to receiving in 2013? Where is it I will spend my time? What abundance am I going to bring forth? and....How will I care for my body?
Each of us picked questions that spoke to us personally and pulled a card for each of our questions. We did free write and the "I am the One Who" prompt, speaking from each card specifically about these issues.
Once again, we all shared our writings. Towards the end of group, we picked 2 more cards from our deck, and asked them to clarify one of the issues came up in our writing.
I am sharing my writing because it was such a powerful process for me.
The Maker, Embellisher and Devotee of Creativity |
Dear Great Spirit of Life,
I am just a humble maker of things of beauty. I often wonder if my work can be infused with your spirit and speak to peoples lives, and help them on their journey. I also do so many different creative things, that I worry that I am diffusing your energy and my offerings to the world would be more powerful or of worth if I focused on just one thing. I am writing to you to get your advice on this deep issue.
My creative endeavors are so many and so varied, like the creatures of the forest. My work as an art therapist and teacher, is of course prominent, but also the joy of making things and crating a life sustaining business from my art is a big piece of it all. I have tried to keep all my creative pursuits in alignment with spirit, but I am in a quandry over process vs. process. Can you offer me any advice or direction in this new year around this issue.
Yours in service,
The Maker, Embellisher and Devotee of Spirit in form.
Creative Life Force/ AKA Great Spirit |