Our Mandala Workshop focusing on the Four Elements was a lovely, inspiring day for everyone who attended. The Cosmic Cowgirls Studios was bright and vibrant. Some of these photos give a sense of the colorful walls filled with the art of Shiloh McCloud, founder of the studio. We felt invigorated by the surroundings, and inspired as well.
Here is Diana Rose helping us in the morning with set up putting prismacolor pencils at tables all around the room.

The walls show off the paintings of many Cosmic Cowgirls...our altar is in the center of the space, surrounded by tables forming a circle, so we all can sit and view each other as we drew.

Getting ready in the morning as participants arrived.

Here is Patricia and Diana Rose. Patricia and I have been facilitating the Illuminated Mandala Retreat days for over 10 years. We are both Certified Facilitators of
Judith Cornell's Healing Mandala Process.
We work in circle paying attention to the center of our beings opening to the light within and the compassion of heart energy. I love seeing the winged heart hanging over the window in the background.

We begin with small black and white mandala's practicing the scale of light, imagining our pencils to be light wands that connect with the divine light within and bringing it into form on the procreative dark ground of the womb of the paper.

Here is a small mandala done as a Healing Mandala for Harriet Wadeson, one of the grandmother mentors of the field of art therapy, with color added.

In the afternoon we began our larger pieces, focusing on the Four Elements and our associations with them as well as how the elements of earth, water, fire and air resonate in our bodies and our lives.

We always give participants permission to do whatever they are impelled to these workshops, and it is always a gift to witness what evolves and the personal healing the occurs as a result of the drawing process, meditations, visualizations and personal intentions for the day.

Each mandala is as unique as the individual who creates them. At the end of the day we share the inner stories that unfolded as a result of the process. It is such a blessing to do this work.

The Four Elements

Unfortunately, I did not take photos of many of the completed mandalas. By the end of the day I was a bit exhausted and since our timing went over a bit, everyone was ready to move into the rest of their evening. But these images give a sense of the ongoing process and the day. I have begun a mandala and will post it's progress on later blog posts. Most people don't complete in the day. Drawing mandalas and working with prismacolor pencils is a slow and meditative, dreamlike experience that often take a while to unfold into completion. The next Mandala Retreat Day will be in September right around the Autumal Equinox, I will post the dates here, when we have settled on exactly where and when we will facilitate it. Blessings to All . Enjoy the Summer!!!!
1 comment:
what a great workshop! the pix are wonderful and I really get a feeling of flavor of the day! thanks for sharing! caterina
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