After the recent wildfire and being evacuated at 3:30 in the a.m, with flames shooting up into the sky in the hills behind my house, I got a horrible flu/ like cold. I woke up one morning, vowing to start up this blog again. So here I am.
My original focus when I started this blog, was sharing the work and classes I did as an art therapist, instructor, creativity facilitator. However, as I stopped this blog and time has passed, I have decided, even though I still teach and facilitate groups, to focus on my work as and artists here.
This year I turned 70, OMG, and realize if not now, when? I am an artist and love making art. I am obsessive about it do it all the time and what to make my living, or a good portion of it from my art, so it is time to come out of the teacher closet, and share it with others. So that is what I am doing, here.
All of these image are done with alcohol ink on tile and on glass. I have fallen in love with the vibrancy of this media, its quick satisfaction and its expressive intense qualities.

I am narrative in my work with alcohol ink and am always intrigued with the story that emerges out of my art. My need to express myself quickly, loosely and playfully, while allowing what wants to emerge is greatly satisfied when doing these small pieces. Also I am able to make a lot quickly, to sell at reasonable prices at shops and fairs for the holidays. So here are some of what the ones I have been creating in the last month. More to come, more to say. Hello to whoever reads this and finds it of interest. Stay safe, one never knows what comes next. Caterina