We...myself and my friend and co-founder of the Creative Arts Studio, Patricia Waters (http://www.creativeartstudio.com) facilitated a New Years Intention Mandala Workshop last Sunday. We are both facilitators of Judith Cornell's mandala process. (http://www.mandala-universe.com)

We were going to lead the Intention Mandala Day, at Mountain Home Ranch in Calistoga, a wonderful, rustic retreat center in the Macayama mountains,
(http://www.mountainhomeranch.com } but with the big rain storms we had here in Northern California, their power was out all weekend. So we led it for a smaller group at my studio. It was a cozy, warm, and deeply satisfying art making day.

I love drawing mandalas in a sacred space of community, everyone working quieting, with the inner energy literally buzzing. Here are a few of the in process images of some of the mandala's that folks created that day.