Here are more photos from the Encaustic Weekend Workshop.
Here's are more photos of the encaustics.....

Cheesecloth and voile fabric dipped in beeswax has amazing three dimensional possibilities

This is a photo transfer piece that I did.

This little encaustic was a sample piece I did incorporating collage, lace and metallic string dipped in beeswax and some scraffito texture..

Another piece incorporating the magic of voile fabric ( tutu material) and cheesecloth

Photo transfer is the basis of this piece with alot of carving done into the wax.

Another photo transfer piece done from a zerox of an original drawing by Patricia Waters

Mystery abounds in this piece with lots of cheese cloth dipped in medium.

Heres Liz sharing her process and the story behind this mixed media encaustic painting.

And last but not least, this one has much dimension created by flowers dipped in medium, but it doesn't quite show in the photo. There were quite a few more pieces that the group members did that I didn't photograph, most of these were done on the first day. I was so into the process on the second day that taking pictures slipped my mind. I am looking forward to getting back into the studio myself and completeing some pieces I began...but this week is all about taxes and cleaning up my studio for my Friday Medicine Art Group. I will post more of my work in a later post. Whew...
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