The New Years Intention Setting Mandala Workshop was a wonderful success on many levels. We had 23 participants, who enthusiastically dove deeply into the mandala process.

The new location we used was lovely and it was a full moon, which we all were able to watch rise over Sonoma Mountain at the end of the day.

Here are some of the mandala's with color applied being viewed on the wall. Once again the images are blurry but you can get a sense of the variety and splendor of them in this shot.

The day was full, satisfying and creatively nurturing for everyone who attended.

Here are some of the earlier in the day small mandala's a black and white one's prior to color being added.

The illuminated glow of the white scale of light on the black, really has power.

mandalas in process

White on black small mandala's .

each so unique

unfortunately some of the photos are not clear but it still gives a sense of their power

strength and beauty

I will show the mandala that I began and show its progression on a later post. I just love having mandala to work on and spend delicious time focusing on it and my intention. More to come.
Looks like a wonderful workshop!
The result are lovely!
I´m giving one in February again.
Hi Marianne,
yes it was....Good luck on your February workshop, let me know how it goes and if you have any photos.
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