Encaustic Paintings

Monday, April 7, 2014

The Journey- Imagery and Healing- SoulCollage® as a healing modality

Imagery and imagination have been recongnized forms of complementary therapy that have the capacity to produce positve physical  changes int he body enhance resilience, and cope with life's difficult moments." Cahty Malchiodi  The Soul's Palette.

I approached this  new year ready to  undertake the journey of having one of my knees replaced, with the second on the horizon.   S0, as the holidays approached I knew it was time to cross the bridge to having a surgery that was, the next step in my healing journey.

During the past 3 months, I created a series of cards in my SoulCollage® groups, that have supported guided and clarified my healing journey, and given me the strength and feedback to move forward and have the surgery which I have been resisting.

As the New Year began I made this card in one of my groups as an intention card for the new year. Setting the stage for new year and a new journey with a  destination in the  distance.  

The year of the horse offered me  an ally with the energy and strength to guide and accompany me as I crossed the bridge into an unknown future.  The horse came spontaneously as did all the images in this collage, where I envision and actualize the beginning of this healing journey.  

I am in  the garden of my imagination approaching the bridge that leads to change.  I am accompanied on all sides by allies offering vision, growth and insight.   I am both witnessed and witnessing myself on this journey.

                                         The Bridge

I am the one who is ready to walk across the bridge leading  to a new way of living and moving forward to do what is necessary to bring health vitality and physical healing to my life.  I am accompanied by a magical band of allies and helpers, who support me and help me to flower and grow as I approach the unknown in front of me.  

I am mid stream in this journey now and feel called to share here, my reflections on this process  and the images in this series  that have presented themselves to me, through my SoulCollage® practice.  I plan on doing this day by day, as my energy allows.  All responses and offerings are greatly appreciated.  
I feel blessed by my helpers.  More to come.  

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