Encaustic Paintings

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Invocation- Art Healing and the Imaginal realm

This is the second of 3 cards that I created as intention cards for the new year.
 I knew instinctively that 
in order to dive into this journey I needed assistance and she evolved from
the piles of images on my studio tables....

She has  been a comfort and a reminder to me, a call to prayer, 
an invocation to open and beseech the divine to bring me the strength
 to go the long haul and open to transformation on all levels.

Writing about these images right now, and sharing them with the world, assists me as I sometimes slip into a funk from long days of  rest and long nights of throbbing  discomfort that I have what it takes within to be patient and endure for the sake of a life fully lived.

I am the one who invokes the divine source, to bring the transformation of  my life from one of limitedness to expansive health, flexibility and the joy of transformation and actualization of my dream to walk with out pain, and do the work in the world I am meant to do.  Namaste.

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