Encaustic Paintings

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Journey Center Mandala workshop-

Patricia and I facilitated half day, introduction to the mandala process workshop,
 at the Journey Center, in Santa Rosa  yesterday. 
 The Journey Center is a place to come for spiritual renewal, and 
we were very impressed with its beauty, energy and sense of spirit filled possibility.

 Here are the photos of the amazingly beautiful mandalas that were created in that short amount of time.

                                                Although most of them are still in  process,
                                    the experience  of creating them was  calming,
and filled with insight.
Hopefully, some of the women who attended will send photos of their completed mandalas.  Nevertheless, I love to share the powerful images that are created, each  mandala unique and stunning. whether complete or in process.  

This hopefully will be the beginning of doing more mandala classes at this beautiful, healing spiritual center.

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