Encaustic Paintings

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Another Mandala - show and tell

I just recently finished this mandala, it is one  that I started at our recent mandala workshop, 
 that we taught  a few weeks ago, at the Journey Center.
The colors just make me happy, 
feel expansive
 and like my heart is stretching its wings, in new and colorful ways.

At this point in my life, I seem to only create mandala's when I facilitate a workshop, which is one of the reasons, why I love to facilitate these workshops.  I have so many creative pulls in my life right now, so I don't often have the deep satisfying pleasure of stopping the world, 
and diving into the slow and soothing process of drawing  a mandala, 
and watching it unfold and work its healing, calming magic on me. 
 So, this one will have to do for now.   Until next time.

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