I have been facilitating a women's art support group, every other friday morning, for the past 20 years. The name of the group has morphed and changed over time, along with all the wonderful women, who have made art in the group. For a while it was called the Art Spa, because everyone always felt like they had gone on retreat and been renewed from it. But the name Medicine Art Group is the one that has lasted the longest. Obviously, the name reflects how artmaking is a deep medicine that is available to all of us. How doing art heals, and how being in community with others, excelerates the healing process. 
In past month we have been creating Shrines in the group. The focus has been to create a shrine that honors an aspect of ourselves that we want to bring energy to, allowing that part to come into our lives and to celebrate it joyously.
I love what is happening in the group and how powerful the process has been for the participants, so I though I would share some of the shrines here that are now in process. Unfortunately, I don't have photos of everyones shrines, but here are a few of them, for your viewing pleasure.
Shrine to Inner WisdomShrine to My Inner Healer and Inner Wise Woman
Roberta's Shrine to Joyous Living
Here is the back, in process, it has changed quite a bitMarcella's Transformation Shrine
Each of these shrines are in process and I hope to post several others at another time. They are made with foam core, that has been cut, covered with rice paper and then painted and collaged over.
Aren't they visual feasts for the eye. More to come, with more photos and perhaps a story or two. so thats what I have been up to.
1 comment:
THANK YOU FOR THIS!!! I have been experimenting with similar pieces using foam core as a substrate for modular/hinged collage, but I gave up because I got stuck. Yours are so much richer than mine, and they inspire me to try again. Thanks.!
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