Encaustic Paintings

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Getting Ready for Saturdays Mandala Workshop

Today we are organizing and rearranging the studio to get ready for the Illuminated Mandala Workshop that we are doing on Saturday.  In honor of the Spring Equinox, we are focusing on flowers and the experience of blossoming and flowering into our fullness of experience.  
So I am posting images of both flower mandalas and flowers that I have drawn.  

Each of these Illuminated Drawings, based on Judith Cornells process of drawing the light from within, were created by drawing the images first with white pencil on black art paper.  
By creating scale of light drawing with white prismacolor pencils as the foundation, we bring our inner light out of the imaginal world of the black paper, and let the light of our intuitive, creative selves shine through onto the paper.  
This drawing, The Flower Deva, was drawn during a weeklong retreat at Esalen in Big Sur, that Judith taught, using the inner essence of the flowers to guide us.  We visualized each flower internally, as we working with the real flower, and asked the flower what it wanted from us, and how to express it visually.  This  small   Flower Deva appeared at the very end of the drawing in the lower left hand corner of the drawing.  By the end of the week, I was seeing aura's around all the flowers, and everyone I came in contact with.  What a powerful experience.  

I will post photos of the mandala's and the workshop after the weekend.  HAPPY SPRING!


  1. Thanks Marrianne,
    I will post more photos over the next few days from the workshop.

  2. Greetings all...for some reason this post continues to draw spam adverts and wierd writings onto my blog. If this does not stop I will delete this post, which is a shame. Whoever you are, please reframe from commented by sending spam. Thanks Caterina

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