Encaustic Paintings

Thursday, March 12, 2009

FULL MANDALA - Finally Finished

I have finally finished the Full Moon, Growth mandala, that I began at our New Years Intention Setting Workshop.  Interestingly, last night was the full moon, and on Saturday March 21st, we are facilitating our Blossoming into Spring Mandala Retreat Day.  It usually takes me about 3 months to get around to finishing a mandala.  Doing these retreat days gives me an opportunity to begin a mandala, as well as set the energy for the intention that I focus on.  

This mandala was about opening  to new possibilities.  I love how the roots sink deep into the earth, and parallel the extending branches into the night sky.  The work of creating intentions is both inner and outer.  I can see that in my life as I begin to network and set seeds for new direction in my work life.

We will be holding this workshop in my studio on the first day of spring and drawing our inspiration from the flowers of spring.  Join us if you are in Northern California.  For more information you can link to our website at the Creative Arts Studio.

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