Encaustic Paintings

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Busy, Busy , Bizeee...like a Bee

With the coming of the summer, many new opportunities and directions are opening up for me, and I find myself busier then I have been in a while.  This week has lots of exciting things happening for me, but also alot of preparation.  I am excited to be doing a two person encaustic class with a woman and her friend I am connected with from past classes and work, who will be in Calif. and want to dive into wax work.

It has been a while since I have taught others how to work with lovely delicious wax.  Since I was setting up my studio for others, i spent a full day making new encaustic medium, fine tuning the electricity and melting parrafin and cleaning brushes.  It has been hot here, and doing this in the heat is challenging.  Also the sweet smell of beeswax, brings round the bees.  I wound up getting stung by some yellow jackets in my right, dominant hand, which set me back several days.

I forgot how much work it is to do this and set it up for others,  which is why I haven't done any encaustic classes for over a few years now. 
If my studio was completely dedicated to doing this it would be one thing, but I set up for SoulCollage® workshops every 2 weeks, and then put it all away. So I have been busy.

Nonetheless, I am grateful. So grateful that people are coming my way to work with me. Grateful that my life revolves around art and artmaking in all forms. Grateful for my life. Grateful for the economy rebounding.
I am grateful
In the Light of Gratitude, I have been facilitating a pilot project at a place called the Living Room here in Sonoma County. A place for homeless women to to come and eat, and sit and be safe and have wonderful healing, and practical services provided for them.  I am doing a modified 4 week SoulCollage®  Personal Narrative group, which is very loose and acommodates a room full of women, sleeping, eating, talking on the phone, getting hair cuts and just being.  In the back of the room, myself and Celine an art therapist who just graduated from Notre Dame, set up the collage materials and invite the women to sit and make SoulCollage® cards.  I feel blessed to be able to share this, in spite of the settings challenges. 
 I am grateful.
On Sunday I am doing a Illuminated Mandala and the Five Universal Shapes workshop, at ARTLIFe Gallery in Sebastopol.  That along with SoulCollage® Open Studio, on Friday ends a full and art filled week.
Now just to breathe and take one thing at a time and trust the process. Whew~
Along with planning for a SoulCollage® workshop in Mt Shasta on July 13th,  at a stunningly beautiful Buddhist retreat center called Tara's Refuge.  I am full to the depths of my heart with ART and Life.
Photos from the mandala workshop will be posted here eventually.
Until then. 

Ciao Caterina

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