Encaustic Paintings

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Still Enamored with SoulCollage®

Since it has been a while since I last posted, I decided to share  some photos that I recently took at two  of the different  SoulCollage® groups that I offer at my studio.

                       At my Soul Writing Group, which meets on the Fourth Friday of the Month....

 We each put all of our cards out on the tables, then walk around looking at all of them, "A Gallery Crawl"....  I am always amazed at their diversity and uniqueness.  We  then choose from our cards, the ones we want to use as writing prompts for that day.  Although at other times we do it differently. Each group is unique.  These photos are from that group.  Aren't they amazing?

 The following photos are some shots I took as I set up my studio for group last Friday.
As well as  taken in process during group, in order to give a visual picture of the process.

 After making cards, we spend time dialoguing with a partner.  
Doing the "I am the One Who" process with at least one of our cards.  

 It is a wonderful process of witnessing and being heard....as the intuitive wisdom of our
 soul's are revealed. 

The following images are of some of my most recent cards. 
 It  always seems like the last card I make is my most favorite, but as I go through them, they are like old dear friends come to visit once again.

These pictures speak a thousand words, so I will let them gently reveal their stories to you 
without words this time.  
I just love this process, and now I am planning a SoulCollage® Cruise for sometime next year.
More about that next time.  Until then.
Ciao. Caterina

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