Encaustic Paintings

Monday, June 18, 2012

Playing around with mixed Media.....makes me happy

This is what I have been just recently up to. ....and the process makes me happy. Art making is life enhancing and its like second nature to me.

One thing always leads to another.... and that is how it is with these little collage's I make

 I love to play around with this and that.  A little bit of image, a splattering of paint, outlines and accents, papers and words.

I start with watercolor paper, and very very, loose and wet watercolors.

I love to flick and splatter and watch what happens spontaneously to the pain as it is randomly flicked across the page.

After the paint dry's, I add washes, and rubber
stamps, and a world begins to emerge,
images suggest themselves...and I articulate them.
 Then come the words, sometimes I write them in cursive, or print them,  but lately I love the look of stamped letters on the paper.  I give myself permission with these words.
 Permission to Enjoy Life and Believe in Myself.  Trust in this process of random expression, and witnessing what it becomes.
The words that come are ones that give me permission,

remind me of what is important

make my inner child happy

and take me to other lands...

Allowing me to imagine the worlds that the pictures form and make up stories to fill the worlds, and then try to make sense of these myths in my daily
real life.

Then I begin to wonder what to do with all of these pages, sell them, would anyone want them??? hold onto them, hide them away.

I have recently been going through all of the art of my dear friend Patricia, who recently passed away. It is an honor and an over whleming task, and there is so much of it, an amazing and beautiful legacy to who she was and how she experienced the world.  

Ahhh, so this is what  this rambling post has lead to.  Like I said, this is what I have been up to.
Until next time, to who so ever reads this.  Ciao...

PLEASE FORGIVE THE WIERD SPACING IN THIS POST. ....they changed the format to this blogspot site and it is confusing...scusi.

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