Encaustic Paintings

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

SoulCollage® Facilitator Training...whew!

So I am now a SoulCollage® Facilitator, along with all the other many hats I wear.  I am still integrating everything that occurred this past weekend.  This is such an exciting process, integrating everything I have been doing all these years into a organic, alive, syncronistic structure that allows people to play in the field of image and creativity, while diving deep and contacting their inner guidance.  

To say the readings were amazing, doesn't do the experience justice. More on that and the process later.  For now, I am going to post  images of the process participants cards  and the ones that I created during  the weekend training. 

IMAGE, IMAGINATION AND INTUITION are the guiding words in this process.

 The Circle and our cards being shared.

 As we  walked around the circle witnessing, I photographed some of the cards that participants in the training made.

People  attended from all over the world and it was fascinating to see what emerged in their imagery

Seena Frost, who is the creator of this wonderful process of SoulCollage®,  created this beautiful piece from her wedding gown and a fishing net.  Each

 Our final Ceremony, with everyone's cards forming this visual feat of an Image Mandala.

 Seena Frost, dancing opening to the group energy in the center of the circle of images.

These last images are the cards I did at the training and right before I got there.
 I Am The One Who finds grounding in creativity, who slows down and finds my center and patience in working with my hands, who sinks deep roots into the earth as I am creative.
 I Am The One Who plays in the field of fools who comes through when you spend time with your dog.
 I Am The One Who finds balance and heart in the center of the thistle, who can do this despite the fears and challenges that circle around me.
 I Am The One Who had deconstructed my old beliefs about money and abundance, who plays in the field of light and beauty as I create money and abundance through sharing creative play. Who cuts away what isn't necessary as I manifest a new way of working in the world.
  I Am The One Who peers into the wellsprings of the unconscious, pulling up the blessings and insight that live within it.
I Am The One Who gives you the energy you need to move forward in the world and do your work with others. 
I Am The One Who reminds you to be happy, be in the moment and move into the forest of the soul.
Blessings to all who read this and see these images.  Ciao. Caterina


  1. These are simply amazing Caterina! thank you for sharing! :)

  2. Thank you for commenting, when people comment I feel validated and seen. I have always love show and tell.

  3. Congratulations on your certification! I've owned the book for years but only made my first card after seeing yours. It's posted on my blog (June 20) at http://demibrix,blogspot.com. I feel a new addiction happening! - Barbara

  4. Thanks Barbara. Yes it is an amazing process. Especially after one begins to build a deck and does facilitated readings. In a way it is like authentic movement, with witnesses to the art and one voicing through the image in community. Very powerful. I will check out what you did.

  5. Wow Caterina, when did you take all these photos? Wonder-filled! Thank you so much for sharing them.
    Many colorful blessings from Caracas,

  6. Hi Mili, I took them at different times during the training, most of them at the ending ceremony. They really capture the magic of the experience. Thanks...
