Encaustic Paintings

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Once again getting excited...about SoulCollage® Training in June.

 Last weekend I led a introduction to SoulCollage®, for a group of my old colleague's, that I  worked with at Santa Rosa Junior College, for over 25 years.  We are now meeting monthly, to keep the connection we developed going.  Some of us, have been laid off from the college, (myself), others continue working there, and others are now retired.  We all enjoy the memories of the incredibly rich, humanistic program that  we worked in and developed together, with others.  It heartens us in these challenging times to reflect on it , and saddens us to know that what we worked for has been decimated by the California budget crisis.  Ahhh, but thats a whole other story. The arts by the way, were the first to go.

I loved sharing this process with my old friends, and everyone who came, really dove into the process and loved it.  Here is Tana, cutting away as she creates one of her SoulCollage® cards.  I only wish I had photographed everyones cards, but I was having too much fun doing my own to stop and take photos.

So, I am getting excited about doing the training in June.  The last time I was about to go, in March,  I had a freak accident the night before and had to cancel.  I am hoping that nothing unusual will befall me before this next training. (Actually that is a belief that I need to release.

I am also excited because I am starting a SoulCollage® Inner Muse, monthly open studio at my studio in July, and people are already interested.  This will be a wonderful art process, to add to those that I already offer through my studio art practice.  If you live in the area, and are interested, please do get in touch!

So in the light of show and tell, which is really what I love about this blog, I am sharing the three cards that I created that day.

"Mirrors are used to see our face, but art to see our soul..."
~ George Bernard Shaw

Bird Medicine repeats itself again and again in all my art.
And lastly, this card, which I shared in my last blog post, it is  the card that really speaks to me right now.  The limitless blessings spilling over from source, again and again, never ending.  But it is opening to the awareness of its presence that is the work to be done.
Blessings to all.

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