Encaustic Paintings

Saturday, April 16, 2011

More SoulCollage® cards...still making them

Well lately, life has been grounding me a bit.  I did something to my left knee, and have had to slow down tremendously.  I am trying to let it heal, but it is real slow going.  My impatience has me up and running in my head, but my body can barely hobble.  Today, I wound up canceling on a excursion, and then losing the keys to my studio, and finally, my car was dead when I tried to go somewhere needlessly.  So the universe is truely forcing me to be still and slow down.  Nonetheless, I made 3 new SoulCollage® cards today.  So I am sharing them here, as well as a few more that I did about a week ago.
Without further ado....

                                       Transforming the ordinary to the extraordinary....
                   Trust has always been an issue, but really it is a non issue... because there is a greater story afloat here.
                         I guess I am meant to write about all the wonder, awe and musings....
                                         These first three are the ones I made today....

                                                the following were created in the past few weeks..
 I Am The One Who celebrates  in nature ~ I transform through my connection with the earth
                                   This is the essence of soul..
 The waterfall of abundance.......
I Am The One Who looks within, who notices the patterns of life around me, often taking me  away from what is right on front of me, that is  blossoming and ready to fly right in front of my very eyes.  So . Pay attention.

Today I came across this Mary Oliver quote, it fits to end with this.  

"Instructions for living a life. Pay attention.   Be astonished. 

Tell about it."   — Mary Oliver


  1. Your artwork/soulcards are amazing. Thank you for joining 14 Secrets...looking forward to seeing more of your beautiful soulful art. Barbara
