Encaustic Paintings

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Two More Mandala's completed...from Spring Workshop

I asked everyone who attended our mandala workshop on the Spring Equinox to send photos to me when they completed their mandalas.  So I am pleased to share 2 more mandalas for viewing here. 
                          Here is Patricia Water's mandala. For those who don't know this, Patricia and I facilitate the mandala workshops together. For many years, we had a community art studio together, called the Creative Arts Studio.  Our website still holds the name and energy of the studio. Now our workshops are held  in  different settings, as well as at my studio. Our work together continues creatively in facilitating Illuminated Mandala workshops.

This is Marge Gogh's powerful and vibrant mandala. She attended the Spring Workshop. There is so much to find delight in when looking at this one.  I am so drawn to, excited by, and comforted from the wonderful repeating details that form patterns around and within this mandala.  What a delight. Can you tell which shapes were dominant for her in this mandala?

If anymore mandala's from this springs workshop come flying to me, via the etherworld, I will share them here as well. 

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