Encaustic Paintings

Monday, March 21, 2011

Exploring the 5 Universal Shapes -Spring Mandala Workshop

Yesterday Patricia and I facilitated our Spring Mandala Retreat Day.  We incorporated Angeles Arrien's process with the 5 Universal Shapes into our mandalas.  The energy in the group seemed to hum with contentment as we welcomed the Spring through creating mandalas in community.  
Here are the  photos that were taken of the days creative process.  

 These are the scale of light experimental doodles that we did at the begining of the day,  each of us exploring the circle, square, triangle, equal distant cross, and circle in our drawings.
                                  Shapes Mandalas with just a hint of color coming into them.
 It is magical to see these in process photos of this drawing process.
Look at the magical, emergence of color and light in Marsha's mandala.  So luminous!!
                           It is amazing to see how each persons drawing essence presents itself.
I feel so honored to witness this creative emergence drawing process, and sharing it here is also a shared pleasure..

                                                        Everyone working away.

 I loved the energy in the room in the afternoon, after we had been deeply drawing for a while. The focused joy of drawing was almost  visceral.  Both calming and energizing at the same time.  The healing power of art and the focusing energy of drawing mandalas, intertwined.  How lovely.
 This is me drawing the my mandala.  I was working with the circle, spiral and triangle.
            Here are everyones mandala's at the end of the day.  Each one so unique and whole.
 Everyone agreed to send me images of them when they are complete, so I will post them when they arrive.
I personally started a color wheel mandala, and I really look forward to playing with it and letting it emerge into what it will become.  I will post its evolution eventually..Until then, happy drawing.


  1. It was a great day. Thanks for holding the space for us!!!!!

  2. I enjoyed having you there!. Please email me an image of your mandala when it is completed.

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