Encaustic Paintings

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

New Years Mandala Retreat Day Process Photos to Share

On January 9th we had our annual, New Years Mandala Retreat Day, "Mandala as Visual Prayer".  We gave it that title, because, the act of drawing a mandala, or for that matter doing any artmaking with intention, is a visual active dynamic prayer.

The workshop was absolutely wonderful, with a very, lovely group of 10 engaged participants, plus myself and Patricia Waters.  We co-facilitate these mandala workshops four times a year, around the change of the seasons, and at the New Year.

The next day, however,  I got hit with a pretty virulent cold virus. It totally laid me up, and I have been in dream time ever since. 10 days later, I am on prednisone and still not too well.  I realized that I wasn't feeling good that day, because I didn't feel up to photographing the mandala's at the end.

So without further ado, here are all the photos I took that day.  Unfortunately,  my energy was very low at the end of the day, and I didn't photograph everyone's mandala drawings at the end of the workshop.  I haven't added mine here, either, I will do that as it progresses on another post, as well as Patricia's completed one for the day.
                                                             Working in the studio.

                                My good friend Vicki down from Mt. Shasta for the workshop.

                                     Patricia and Sanna Rose, looking at her mandala's progress.
                                                  Judy and her daughter Kaila.
                                        Hearts within hearts within hearts, wonderful
                                                  Allysa proudly sharing her drawing.

Patricia Waters in process mandala.

                                              Here is Sanna Rose's completed Mandala
                                               Sue Wiseman's completed Mandala.
I will be posting other completed mandala's as they are sent to me.  Enjoy viewing them.  More to come


  1. Some beautiful work here -- but sorry to hear that you came down with a nasty virus. That's no fun!

  2. Yes all the work is stunning. I too am sorry to have gotten such a strong virus, I am still unable to talk much, so hoarse. Thank you for responding.
