Encaustic Paintings

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

New Look for my Blog.

Well, I have been messing around with my blog settings and have lost my old settings, so I now have a new look to my blog. Not sure if I am totally happy with it, but this is it for now.  Let me know what you think, if you even think about it, or view my blog on a regular basis.  It often seems like I am  rambling off to the universe, and I am never sure who views it or if it touches anyone.  Although I often get lovely comments, so I do know that people can be impacted by my images, if not my words.

I recently watched the film Julie and Julia, and became motivated by it to set some new intentions for this endeavor.  My original intention when I first began was to share my students work, my art and anything that inspired me.  Art Full Musings... ta dah!  But since I lost my teaching job, I have been trying many different ways to bring in monetary reimbursement for my creative engagements, besides facilitating workshops and doing art sessions with people.

Many years ago, I realized that I was rich in images, ABUNDANTLY SO, so now I am making a new effort to move my images out into the world and have them do their work and pay their way.  So, in that light I am going to begin to showcase some of my art here that I would love to sell and send on their way into the world.  I will begin with my encaustic paintings that lie hither and yon around my house, so I hope to weekly begin this project, showing, sharing, and hoping that someone out in the great web of this inter netted universe might love to send some money my way for my art.

The first piece I am sharing in this light is a sweet little (5"x7") encaustic mixed media collage painting called...Flowering Sea.

This is an earlier piece, that integrates collage imagery and alot of carved texture.  The wave of course is familiar to many, but hopefully repurposed, recycled into a new statement.

I love the full moon over the water, and the flowering sea.  I am reminded of the flowers floating in the sea of Hawaii, the scent of ceremony and ritual honoring, filling the night sky.

This piece will be offered up in my etsy site for purchase, or you can contact me here as well.  It is painted on hardboard.

Many blessings...


  1. I just have to say that I do enjoy your blog, so you are not just rambling off to an unlistening universe. I follow a lot of blogs, so I usually don't have time to comment, but do appreciate your work. Wishing you many sales!

  2. Thank you Leslie, I appreciate your taking the time to comment. I love your photography, it has such an intimate perspective to it. It makes me take a closer look at the beauty all around us. Many blessings.

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