Encaustic Paintings

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Encaustic Open Studio Monday.....

On Monday morning, three women who have been coming regularly to my studio for encaustic classes, joined me in an open studio morning.  After a weekend of hot hot weather here in Northern California, it was a lovely welcome relief to have a cool morning.  The natural air conditioning of the great mother Pacific, brought us relief.  Perfect for working in encaustic.  
I am posting the work that emerged that a.m. 

This piece is one that I worked on with a background I have been struggling with for awhile, finally coming together.  Cheese cloth, collage, photo transfer and sennileir oil pastels over the encaustic.  The image is a from a photograph that I took in Sicily of an altar in the side of one of my relatives houses.     I love it.  It is small but strong.  
Liz continues to work on her family photos in the piece...
with a map of Texas collaged into the encaustic.
This is one of Paula's dragon fly encaustics....
sure looks like a fairy doesn't it.
 I love the colors. 
Another one of Paula's  so rich with beeswax...yumm.

Honey bee was done by   Randy who is a beekeeper. 
The only person who came her is new to the medium... this was her first try at encaustic, 
she is a natural.
Another encaustic by Randy.
I drew with oil pastels on cradled clayboard for this piece, and applied encaustic medium very thickly over it. I love the colors.. This piece however, does not exist anymore. I kept adding colors and working it and it now is something else.  It has become the first image on this post.  NOt sure it is complete either...but I have lost the original....we shall see where the Dream goes.  


  1. These are so beautiful. I need to find someone in Dallas who can teach me how to do this!

  2. Cori,
    google texaswaxworks. There is a big encaustic community in texas...I don't know how close to Dallas, but I am sure there is someone from Dallas who teaches encaustic . Good luck on your search.

  3. Cori..Actually check out this new Encaustic Center in Richardson Texas....don't know where it is in relation to Dallas, but they will steer you in the right direction.


  4. Wow Catarina, these are gorgeous!
    It is amazing to see the first & the last one & what morphed from it. I LOVE both!!
