Encaustic Paintings

Sunday, February 8, 2009


The weather is perfect for drawing mandalas, working with prismacolor pencils on black paper is soothing, and puts me into a very calm place.  I began this mandala during our New Years Intention Setting Mandala Workshop.  I haven't worked on it very much since.  Perhaps I was waiting for the rains, we need them so much and now slowly they are appearing.

Here is the original mandala I did that day, in just the black on white.
My focus was paying attention and walking through the open doors...however the full moon that day really influenced my work, hence the moon is the portal to possibilities in this mandala.
Sinking deep roots into my source as well as my skills, ancestors and visions, while expanding my reach and begining to set leaves of growth towards new directions......

It felt important to sink my roots in the greening of the earth

This mandala is still in process....As I expand beyond my boundaries into new directions...More to come


  1. It's beautiful! I love seeing it take shape as you add to it. Thanks for showing some of your process. I've added your blog to my links on my blog. Best wishes.

  2. Beautiful! Love to see the process!

  3. Thank you both, I am enjoying losing myself in the process. I know I will add a border ...but not sure what it will be like. Best wishes.....C

  4. Please don't leave us hanging too long - I want to see the next step!

  5. I haven't worked on a Mandala since winter solstice - and I miss the practice - too much middleworld responsibility right now - but holy canoli this is inspiring me to get out my pencils and sharpen them and see what emerges.

    I love when you share this process - showing the steps and evolution.

  6. Great to hear that I am inspiring you.Pick up those pencils!!

    I haven't gone back to the mandala yet, it is sitting by the front window on the table waiting for inspiration. I have to sit with these things a while before I know where to go. Right now I am working on some encaustics,,,but I will be back to it soon.

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  9. Dear Caterina,

    I am writing to ask if you could allow me to use the Black and White version of the mandala (the first image) as my profile picture on my google account. I found it very beautiful and inspiring. Unfortunately there would be no way to properly credit you since the profile picture size is very small.

    Thank you for considering it.

  10. Hi,
    Sure. However, If you ever start a blog or anyone asks, then please give me credit. You can use it. If you ever do anything else with it, then please let me know and you can perhaps pay me a minimal user fee as well as give me credit, in that case. Warmly...Caterina

  11. Thank you very much !

    Rest assured, whoever asks about it will be directed to your site immediately. And if I would like to use it for anything else, I will contact you again.

