Encaustic Paintings

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Summer Mandala Retreat- Five Universal Shapes

This past sunday, we facilitated another Illuminated Mandala Retreat Day.  Both Patricia Waters and myself, are facilitators of Judith Cornell's Illuminated Mandala Process.  

For the Summer Time Mandala Retreat Day, which we held up at Mountain Home Ranch in Calistoga.  We focused on Angeles Arriens Five Universal Shapes... which are the circle, square, triangle, equal distant cross and the spiral.

If you don't know about her work please  check out  her website.
What amazing work everyone did.  Here are some photos of the days process  work.  
For more information on Angeles Arriens Shape
Preferential Diagnostic Tool,  you can find it in  her book "The Signs of Life".

Although most participants didn't complete their mandalas at days end, since it is a slow and meditative process,  they were all stunning .   

I have posted a few of them to just give a taste of their power and integrity.

We  will do these retreat days around the solstice and equinox, as well at the begining of the year.   Our Fall Mandala Retreat day will be on September 22.  See our website for more information.

Now I have a mandala to while away the summer time hours, with slow meditative drawing....which I just love to do.  

I will post my mandala's process in the days to come.  Enjoy the Summer!!


  1. Wow Caterina, they are really stunning!
    I have never made a amndala on black paper but I will certainly give it a try. Thanks for the inspiration and the visual treat!
    Greetings Marianne

  2. These are lovely! I do a lot of mandala work - and I too have never thought to use black paper. It is incredible.

    I love Arrien's work with the five shapes.

    Thank for you sharing!

  3. You are welcome. I love working with white prismacolors on a good black paper or a darker ground..ie.. deep navy or purple. Interesting how the dark makes the light stand out.

    Isn't that how it is in life.

    No matter how many times I do the shapes diagnostic tool I still gain insight. Adding the mandala making to the process is amazingly powerful.

    Sincerely caterina
