Encaustic Paintings

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Reconfiguring my Studio ~ Encaustic Group on Saturday

Today is all about cleaning up and reconfiguring my studio, since I am facilitating an encaustic day on Saturday.  Pulling out all the mixed media supplies, checking to make sure I have enough medium made,
cleaning brushes and more.

I haven't taught an encaustic group since late spring, and I am excited to be doing this again.
It always gets me going on a new piece and as of late I have been not cranking up the hot plates and producing.  So sharing is a way of getting me motivated.

Although my encaustic supplies are not in disarry, I have tables to move, electric cords to plug in and I need to make sure my extra hotplates are in the right areas of the studio.  Often times all that electricity blows a fuse or two, so heat guns and hot plates need to be placed strategically around the studio.

So enough of me messing around on the computer, which I have been doing all morning.  I have been creating holiday cards from my art on my zazzle site ( check it out if you are interested)  ArteEclectica
Time to open up the door to my studio and get going.
I will post images from the workshop after the fact.   Ciao...

The job of the artist is always to deepen the mystery.

- Sir Francis Bacon


  1. Looks like fun! All the best with the workshop.

  2. Yes I think the workshop will be fun....and thank you for the response to the greeting cards I am making. All of them are from my original art.

  3. You have really great taste on catch article titles, even when you are not interested in this topic you push to read it

  4. I really like when people are expressing their opinion and thought. So I like the way you are writing
